Ending Over-Lending



Conference Programmes and Abstracts

The links and downloads below provide sample conference programmes along with the Ending Over-Lending abstracts submitted.

University of Cambridge
The 'Credit Where Due' conference was held at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, U.K.) in September 2012:

Conference description and website: http://www.econsoc.hist.cam.ac.uk/credit_conference.html
Conference programme: http://www.econsoc.hist.cam.ac.uk/docs/FINAL%20programme.pdf
Title of presentation: Ending Over-Lending – How the Debt/GDP Metric has Contributed to the Financial Crises of the 21st Century

Mendel University
The 'Political Economy of Eurozone Crisis: Is Fiscal Union Feasible?' conference was held at Mendel University (Brno, Czech Republic) in November, 2012:

Conference description and website: http://vyzc.pef.mendelu.cz/cz/konference/konferecnce_vyzc/conf2012
Conference programme: http://vyzc.pef.mendelu.cz/dok_server/slozka.pl?id=39939;download=104228
Title of presentation: Ending Over-Lending – Understanding and Accommodating EMU Structural Diversity by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio
DOWNLOAD THE ABSTRACT (Proceedings of Abstracts published under ISBN 978-80-87106-62-4)


Conference List

The emphasis for 2012 activities for the Ending Over-Lending initiative was attending 12 conferences in Europe focused primarily on the causes and characteristics of financial crises. Attendees at these conferences were academics, central bankers and other policy-makers, government officials, independent researchers and consultants, various experts, and members of the financial industry.

The 2012 activities brought two fundamental outcomes. First, broader insight into the larger area of financial instability was gained. Second, by presenting the Ending Over-Lending and Debt-to-Cash Flow approach at 8 of the 12 conferences, valuable feed-back, suggestions, and constructive criticism were received.



Title of Paper Presented

Location, City


Select Conference

48th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association


Assessing Systemic Risk with Debt to Cash Flow (Bank of Finland Research Discussion Paper # 11, 2014)

Simon Fraser University Conference Centre, Vancouver, Canada

May 29-31, 2014

Worth Publishers Economics

University of Calgary Seminar


Assessing the Financial Instability of Sectors and Nations by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio

The University of Calgary School of Public Policy, Calgary, Canada

June 11, 2013

University of Calgary School of Public Policy

The impact of global crises on EU and CEEC’s governance and financial markets

Keynote speaker & panel member

Understanding and Accommodating EMU Structural Diversity by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio

Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

May 9-10, 2013

European Commission Lifelong Learning

XXI International Conference on Money, Banking and Finance


Examining Financial Instability Using the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio

Arcelli Center for Monetary and Financial Studies,
Rome, Italy

December 10-11

Economic Notes: Review of Banking, Finance, and Monetary Economics

Journal of Financial Stability

6th Dijon Conference: Sovereign Debts, Economic Policies, and Bank Reforms


Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio to Assess Financial Instability and the Extension of Financial Crises into Sovereign Crises

University of Bourgogne,
Dijon, France

December 6-8

International Economic Policy Institute

Review of Keynesian Economics

Centre for Monetary and Financial Studies

H.P. Minsky Conference on Financial Stability: Debt, Deficits, and Unstable Markets



Deutsche Bank AG,
Berlin, Germany

November 26-27

Ford Foundation

Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

6th Mendel University International Conference: Political Economy of Eurozone Crisis: Is Fiscal Union Feasible?


Understanding and Accommodating EMU Structural Diversity by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio

Mendel University,
Brno, Czech Republic

November 22-23

European Commission

Welfare, Wealth, Work for Europe

Seventh Framework Programme

Financial Stability, Bank Risk, and Regulation in Light of the Crisis



Central Bank of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

November 15-16

Central Bank of Luxembourg

Central Bank of Finland

Journal of Financial Stability

Turkish Economic Association 3rd International Conference: Debt Dynamics, Fiscal Instability and The Great Recession


Session Chair: Debt Dynamics and Crisis (Session # 35)

Using the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio to Assess the Credit Worthiness of Turkey

Izmir, Turkey

November 1-3

Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Republic of Turkey Under-secretariat of Treasury

Turkish Economic Association Foundation

The Macrotheme Conference – Policy Maker Session


Identifying Investable Macro-Economic Trends by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio to Nations

Paris, France

October 16-17

The Macrotheme Review

Macrotheme Capital Management, LLC

Sovereign Risk, Fiscal Solvency and Monetary Policy: Where Do We Stand?



San Servolo Island,
Venice, Italy

October 4-5

Department of Economics & Finance, Italy

OECD-Italian Treasury Network

University of Padova

MAFIN: 3rd International Workshop on Managing Financial Instability in Capitalist Economies


Achieving Financial Stability by Applying Debt to Cash Flow Ratios to Nations – A Macro-Prudential Proposal

University of Genova,
Genoa, Italy

September 19-21

COST Action ISO902 on Systematic Risks, Financial Crises and Credit


International Conference: Intra-European Imbalances, Global Imbalances, International Banking, and International Financial Stability



DIW Berlin,
Berlin, Germany

September 17-18

The German Institute for Economic Research

Monetary Stability Foundation

University of Leipzig

Credit where due


How the Debt/GDP Metric has Contributed to the Financial Crises of the 21st Century

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.

September 4-5

Economic & Social Research Council

Centre for Financial History

17th International Business Research Conference:  Research for Re-thinking


Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio as a means to Avoid Financial Calamities

Ryerson University,
Toronto, Canada

June 7-8

World Business Institute, Australia & London

8th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference:  Warsaw 2012

Accepted for presentation, but unable to attend

Using the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio to Assist EU Expansion Nations Avoid Financial and Sovereign Crises

Warsaw, Poland

November 1-3


Eurasian Economic Review

Istanbul Economic Research Assocation

The Economic Crisis: Time For A Paradigm Shift Towards A Systems Approach

Accepted for presentation, but unable to attend

Overcoming the Failings of the Debt/GDP Metric by Applying the Debt to Cash Flow Ratio in Complex Systems Modeling

University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

January 24-25,

European Union for Systemics

International Academy for Systems and Cybernetics Sciences

Business Systems Laboratory